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  • Grabbing a new pair of dancin

    By user89232_31341
    Party In My head is a great single thats infectious, catchy, and definitely has everything I want in a dance song, even enjoying the "...cause every single DJ is inside me" part. Its another smash hit that just about anyone can enjoy. With that noted, according to her site, her LOVE CPR singles will be the last of dance music for Petra, that is until she launches her new album in October of 2012 in her native tongue and home, Sweden. She's had such wild and fun decade full of success that she thought it was time to hang up the dancing shoes and trade them in for maybe a pair, and I only wish now I spoke or written in Swedish. I'm excited for her since September, the 2008 album under Robbins Ent was not the original September titled album that I grew up listening to. The September album that launched in 2004 under Stockholm Rec. with songs La La La (Never Give It Up), Love Thing, Same Old Song, Get What You Paid For, and Mary Ann is where I started my love for Petra's unique sound. A lot of the songs were a bit slower than on her later break through albums such as In-Orbit, September (Re-launch album)and Love CPR, but very much the same catchy, stuck in your head songs. Its nice to hear her move towards a slower, possibly a bit mature pace since, even though she's brightened everyones day with pop catchy songs, I'm sure we'd enjoy a more mature sound from her as well. Good Luck Petra Marklund. A September Fan
  • This song is my life.

    By Tim-the-Raver
    As far as dance hits go, I really like this song a lot. When I first heard it it totally rocked my soul. And believe me, this tune is like the story of my life. Let's face it: if you can't go to a big dance club or throw a huge shindig, at least you've got a party going on inside your own mind. It never ends and the music is deep inside you. And that's how I find this song interesting.
  • great

    By mmmmmsoooogoood
    I can't get sick of this song!
  • More "Party" is Never a Bad Thing

    By Vertigo Shtick
    This is worth it just for the extended version. One of my favorite tracks from "Love CPR," and I'm glad they're finally choosing the right songs to promote ("Me and My Microphone?" C'mon.). Bring on "Heat Rising" and "Bump & Grind"!
  • whoa

    By schmoops07
    she continues to amaze me with every single. its a shame radio has no clue who she is...
  • long awaited!!!

    By GlobeTrotterPKC
    I heard this song in Sweden when I visited in May and fell crazy in love w/ it. I'm glad it's now available on iTunes but it really shouldn't take almost 5months for great music to be available to everyone...